Hugs ladies, my DD was never very spirited but she seems much more so nowadays - possibly a toddler thing. I find she is like this with UT BT too. This is becoming tricky for us as once I've committed to taking her to bed I don't really want to bring her back downstairs and "give in" to her protestations iyswim.
Maryn - Were you able to tell in advance she was likely to protest due to OT, or was it only when you tried to put her down?
My only suggestion would be if you are able to tell, then you may have to go with the flow and allow a later BT on that occasion. If she copes well with OT then she should be able to adjust over the following few days. And then, be strict about waking her from naps if you need to. (I am personally rubbish at this as I can't bear to wake DD).
If you can't tell until you get started on your BT routine that it is too early for her, then I would say you probably need to do what you are doing to help calm her and ready her for sleep again. I know that's not much help, but it sounds to me that you are responding to her spirited needs in that instant.