Author Topic: Bumboo seat? Swing?  (Read 2631 times)

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Offline fairypk

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Bumboo seat? Swing?
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:20:21 am »
Hi guys,

I have a bouncer and a mini play gym for my DS who just turned 5 months. I got a bumboo seat and tempted to buy a swing (although they are expensive) and not sure how long he would use it. Anyone have any tips or suggestions about these things?


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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 11:50:50 am »
DD never liked the bouncer so don't have much to say about that!  She used the play gym until she could sit up and was pretty happy to lie there most of the time.  We didn't have a swing but I would say they're more for newborns and 5months is quite old to start with one.  I found the bumbo good around this age when dd couldn't quite sit up unsupported but didn't want to be held or lying down all the time, she could sit in it with a toy and look around more

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 11:51:12 am »
I didn't get either but did get a donut/play ring, it is a blow up ring that baby can sit in if you pad with cushions, it was much cheaper than swing or a bumbo and had things to play with around it and I could also give dd a few toys and she could play independently, it was something like this:

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2013, 12:24:33 pm »
We never had a swing (with two big dogs, I just don't want the baby in something that leaves her right at their eye level!) but we do have a bumbo...and with 2 kids so far it has been pretty much useless!  Masyn was 4 months when we got it (Xmas gift) and she quickly figured out how to arch her back and pop herself out of it, and Spencer just didn't like being put down at all so never used it with her.  They are both very spirited kids though, so perhaps one with a bit more relaxed nature might find it okay.

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2013, 12:27:40 pm »
Dd2 is 4 months and we rarely use the swing anymore.  DD1 uses the bumbo more than dd2 does  :P  They actually both hated it at this age because they see their feet and want to grab them but cant :(  Ive started putting dd2 into her highchair to practice sitting up instead of forcing the bumbo.

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2013, 13:02:02 pm »
Bumbo was just 'meh' for us.  We were pretty much done with the swing at 6 mos.  The item we got the most use out of by far was the excersaucer...that was my shower time every day...she ADORED being in there!  We used it daily until she was about 13-14 months old.  We put her in it at about 5 months, with a blanket tucked behind and around her so she fit the seat better....she loved being upright and having so many thing to look at.   We took a few things off of it for a while, some of the toys were removable...because I thought it would overhelm her...

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2013, 14:06:32 pm »
Thats the exact exersaucer that we have :)  I had to turn off all the sound for dd1, but dd2 loves all the noises.  It also converts to a little s-shaped play area to stand at when they are older.  It got so much use in this house!

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2013, 14:56:44 pm »
Agree with pp.  bumbo was meh / frustrating for DS.  I borrowed my friends swing when dd was a newborn but pretty much stopped using it when she was 3-4 mo old.  Both of my kids liked the floor mat/play gym, jolly jumper and exersaucer.

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2013, 05:44:56 am »
Ok so I think consensus says I should get an exersaucer! Thanks everyone!

Offline fairypk

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2013, 07:52:22 am »
Got DS an exersaucer (returned the bumbo) and so far he really likes it. His general activities consist of:

Playing in exersaucer (usually not more than 20 minutes at a stretch)
Playing on our bed, sitting upright, his play gym folded so that he can sit and play with toys
Sitting up and playing in his moses basket with a stack of rings (he wants to mostly eat them)
Going for walks with me in the evening (if the weather is right and there are no mosquitoes)
Playing on his changing table, usually pulling down the mobile and eating it
Sitting in bouncer
Sitting or lying down in the garden on a mat
Sitting in his booster seat while I have breakfast

I usually drop him to my mothers around 10ish where he naps then plays then has a massage & shower then naps again.
Am i letting him spend too much time with his toys? Once I am back from 5 until his BT at 8 he is with me or we go meet people or sit at home but I let him play with his toys or sit in his bouncer. If he fusses I will pick him up and walk around but then I also let him play with his toys again. I am trying to teach him to play independently, not alone in the room but while I catch up on emails or just generally read. I also try and sing to him while changing or he prop him up on my knees

Is that okay or should I interact with him more often?


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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 14:53:36 pm »
Honestly, I check email quickly in the am (usually before the girls get up), and dont read unless kids are in bed.  I think the point of putting them on EASY routine is so that you have time to do those things when you have Y time.  I do let dd2 play independently for spurts, but most of the time she is getting some sort of interaction with myself or dd1.  I'm not always talking with her, but im there and "present" (you cant really be "present" while on the computer, even if you are right next to them, yk?)  Only you can know if you are interacting enough with your child, but if you have to ask if you should be interacting more then the answer is probably yes  :-\

Are you back to work and thats why he is with your mom?

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2013, 15:18:13 pm »
I'd say no swing too!

Unless the recommendations have changed, I thought that things like exersaucers were viewed as really bad for their development?? Because they are upright before they really should be and it can delay walking. I'd encourage you to have a read online about it before you decide to buy one.

Yes, I would get my emails etc done during y time - any household jobs that I could do with him up though, I would. Pop him in the highchair in the kitchen while cooking, take him shopping with me and chat away whilst showing him all the things you are buying. Etc!

I heard on the radio something that has stayed with me -don't know if it holds much water - that a child's life chances to age 30 are determined by the number of words he or she has spoken to them up to a certain age (3, I think). So take every opportunity to be 'present' with him, even if you are physically getting something else done.
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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 15:32:10 pm »
Yes, it is the dangling from the saucer that isnt good, but for a few minutes here and there it wont be an issue. Both my older girls enjoyed theirs...mostly used for parking them in the bathroom while I showered or needed a minute to get a meal together.

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Re: Bumboo seat? Swing?
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2013, 15:39:53 pm »
dd2 is in the exact exersaucer right now and both my girls LOVE it.  dd1 loved the swing and would hang out in there forever and dd2 hated the swing so its been put away for about 2 months now.  DD1 hated the bouncy seat and dd2 preferred that to swing and we still use it.  We did not have a bumbo for dd1 and I got a hand me down one for dd2 b/c she sooooo wanted to sit up but wasn't strong enough to.  We still use that now along with an exercise gym which she loves but keeps rolling out of lol :)