Author Topic: 15 month... shortened sleeping  (Read 3534 times)

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Re: 15 month... shortened sleeping
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2013, 14:09:18 pm »
(((Hugs))), I think there could be something other than just routine going on.  Something like teeth, tummy discomfort, something, because there doesn't seem to be a lot of pattern in what you posted.  But, sometimes it can take up to a week or two for patterns to really emerge.  I'd try to stick with the 12pm nap, 7/7:30pm BT for a good week or two and see if you can get some consistency.  In the meantime, it might be worth giving meds at BT to see if it helps at all. :-\

Offline MommaStorms

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Re: 15 month... shortened sleeping
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2013, 11:33:33 am »
I have been getting up at 5am and giving her some Motrin, one morning she slept an hour longer, the next 2 she woke up at 6am, and yesterday it hit me during her nap that she might need it to nap too. She took a better nap but.... this is what my hunch is....

I did some math based on the sleep patterns I've been keeping. It seems like if she sleeps for 11 or so hours at night she's gonna take a shorter nap. If she sleeps 10 hours at night she will take a great nap. Either way she ends up with a smidge over 12 hours of sleep for a 24 hour period. And the night after I got a really long night and long nap bc we were in the car she had a TON of NW and she woke up super early.

Everything I have read says at her age she should be getting between 12-14 hrs of sleep total.

This just hit me this morning. Yeaterday I heard her at 6am. I have no idea if she went back to sleep but when I got up at 6:50 and checked on her she was awake. She napped from about 12 until 2:30, I thought after that great nap she could manage a 5.5 A, and she did! So she was in bed at 8, asleep a few minutes later so I was confident I could get a 12 hour night. Not the case. She was up at 6am.

Does that sound like a reasonable explanation for the craziness??

Offline MommaStorms

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Re: 15 month... shortened sleeping
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2013, 21:09:10 pm »
ok so I had it ALL WRONG. She still getting up earlier and earlier every morning. This morning it was 5:50  :-\ She only got an hour nap today, the kid I babysit started screaming, sighhh, and she couldn't go back to sleep after that.
So I guess I need to understand this OT business. At what point is she no longer OT. Because you can never catch up on all the sleep you have lost. She is OT so waking up early but if I put her to bed at 6:30 how do I know she won't wake up at 4am?

My only guess is that after she gets a decent night sleep and nap I assume she can handle I longer A time in the evening then BAM! She's up at 6am again with barely 10 hours of night sleep then takes a crappy nap. Then I put her in bed at 7pm she wake up at 6:30 then we start the cycle over again.

Offline MommaStorms

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Re: 15 month... shortened sleeping
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2013, 15:39:55 pm »
It's not getting any better!  >:( No 2 days are the same. This morning I snuck in her room at 5am to give some meds to make sure she could sleep later in the AM and she was just laying in her crib looking around. She had a 2 hr nap (well, she woke up 45 minutes in so I put her in the car and drove until she fell back to sleep so she got 2 hours of sleep) and she was in bed by 7:30...but up at 5am! I left her in her room and would hear her complain off and on until 6:50ish she was MAD so I finally faced the music and got up. I put her down for a nap at 11am this morning. Idk why it's so hard for me to get this right.
I've tried more clothes, less clothes, closing the air vent, having them wide open, feeding dinner earlier and later, not letting her nurse at all in the evening, nursing a half hour before bed, baths, no bath, giving meds in her sleep... I don't know what else is left to try.