Author Topic: That awkward bit with 3-2  (Read 2466 times)

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Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2013, 13:38:55 pm »
It's defintely annoying with you're actively trying to AP and nothing works!!
You're braver than me for traveling with yours! I tried a week beach trip a few months ago and it was horrible! I'm waiting until he's older to try that again haha!

Off topic, but does your LO ever take a 30 min nap, wake for 30, then back to sleep for 30?
DS has been doing that for a few days now (like clockwork) and wondering if its OT or UT?
He was crying/fussing when woke but now he just lays and then works himself back to sleep. Wondering if you have ever had the same and if so, which was it, OT or UT?

Offline Emami

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2013, 17:33:45 pm »
^^ Mandy, I posted on your thread about this

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2013, 13:02:32 pm »
We've not had that but if I think jack's woken from a nap OT and it's the afternoon I'll often try to resettle rather than get him up and have a battle over the cat nap.  It always takes him 45 minutes to resettle if he's going to and then he'll often sleep at least another 45 minutes.  But I only do it if I already know he's OT so not quite the same I'm afraid.

I'm starting to regret agreeing to travel tbh! We're in a right mess now,  having been on a lovely routine.  I can't tell if he's UT or OT which probably means it's a bit of both. I'm dreading the journey home but at least then we can concentrate on getting back into routine once we're home.  And he's started rolling to one side of the cot in his sleep and getting stuck,  so he's waking up at random times which makes it even harder to tell what's going on! I suspect I'll have a thread open on this board when we get home. ....

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2013, 13:21:09 pm »
Try your best to enjoy the last bit of your trip am worry about all that when you return!
Ill be right here with you! It feels like things have completely gotten out of control at this point :(

I have NO idea when he's tired anymore. I feel completely helpless and beyond confused. I'm on the verge of panicking every time I even think of naps now. I have no A time- varies from 2 hours to 3 1/2 and that me TOTALLY guessing based in his 'cues' which seem totally unreliable right now.

I truly hope once you get back home things will quickly go back to the way they were! But for now, try and wing it and enjoy yourself before you have to go back home :)

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2013, 14:16:02 pm »
Thank you! It's nice to have control taken away sometimes, when you know there's no point in even trying to sort out sleep!

I've definitely been where you are now.  It's horrid :( What worked for me in the end was picking an A time (the one that most often worked or the last one we had before everything went wrong worked for us) and then sticking with it no matter how bad the night or whatever else was going on.  If he did a short nap I only adjusted by 15 minutes and that was it. After 3 days a clearer picture started to emerge - like he'd always do a short morning nap and catch up in the afternoon.  It was much easier to figure out what was going on that way. Otherwise it really does tend to drive you mad!  It might not fix things quickly but at least it feels more rational and controlled.

Good luck!

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: That awkward bit with 3-2
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2013, 14:33:08 pm »
Thanks again for your advice!

We are about to leave to visit my dad for a few days and then Ill try that out as soon a we return! Ill pick an A and stick with it!! I am just petrified of this OTness and causing more that I'm always so paranoid with naps...bleh.

Big thanks to you...