Author Topic: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?  (Read 1345 times)

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Offline Lilo's mom

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Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:12:04 am »
Hi! My baby is 4mo and is breastfed mainly (I offer him 60ml of complement every other feeding).
When younger, it took him 20 min to nurse at each breast (i offer both). From about 1,5 month, he has been reducing the time he nurses, and until about 2 weeks ago the average was 20-25 min total. Since 2 weeks ago, however, he starts nursing on one side, after about 7 min he starts kicking and complaining and fussing. He then starts to look around and then pulling the nipple backwards, letting it go and crying. After a while he goes back to the breast, sucks 2 or 3 times, and start the same fight until eventually he cries. So I lift him in an upright position for a while, and he starts smiling and looking around, very interested in the surroundings. Most of the times he gives a sound burp. I then offer the second breast and everthing happens the same way. If I offer the bottle, he may take it or not (most of the times he doesnt). He never seems hungry. I feed him every 4 hours with a cluster feed before the last feed.
The only time when he doesnt do this is during night wakings, or other times when he nurses while very sleepy.
Yesterday, after the night feed, i expressed my milk to see how much he had left. I got 40 ml with a lot od struggle.
Could it be he complains because he has emptied the breast after the 7 min? If he was hungry, he woukd likely accept the bottke? Could it be my milk supply is decreasing?
 Does this look like reflux? He has an average of one episode of milk coming back a day (this is new, it was very véry rare to have milk coming back until 2 weeks ago).
I was never very good at feeling breasts empty or full... I have small breasts and they didnt get any bigger now that I am nursing, so it is hard to feel if they are full.
Thank you!!!

Offline Lilo's mom

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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2013, 15:40:22 pm »
Hi! So this morning, before nursing him, I pumped my milk. In25 min, I got 110 ml out of bothbreasts. I gave it to him on a bottle, and he took it. I offered the breasts and in 2 min he started crying. i then offered his Aptamil and he didnt take it. He drank only 110 ml (less than 4oz). I guess it is too little, right?
While I was pumping, I noticed in the end that the flow was really slow and the milk seemed whiter. So I am guessing that he needs to make a huge effort to get to the hind milk, and I am not sure he is getting it... Everything is fine with his weight, but he used to stretch 6 hours between the last feed of the day and the first nf. It has been a few weeks that the interval is not bigger than 4 hours, though.
I guess the problem is my slow letdown... i have tried compression but it doesnt help much. Any other ideas? I am afraid he will eventually stop nursing! And I LOVE nursing...
I am feeding him at 8, 12, 4 and cluster feeding at 6 and last feed is 7:30 or 8. Do you think I should offer more often? Or the other way around, do you think I should eliminate the 6 pm feed to make sure my reasts are fuller by the last E of the day?

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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 19:14:42 pm »
It sounds to me like he's full and happy after the BF and doesn't need or want anything else to eat.  It's completely normal for LOs to become more efficient feeders given time and he's going to be more effective at extracting milk from the breast than any pump/hand.  He's also at a stage where they start to get more interested in their surroundings and can get distracted a little whilst feeding (sometimes a lot!)

FWIW, pumping/expressing isn't a reliable indicator of milk supply, so you should probably completely ignore anything you've found by doing that and not worry.  The 4oz that he took in the bottle is probably about right (see for more information about how much EBM a LO might be expected to take per feed over the course of the day).

Breast size also isn't an indicator of milk supply or storage capacity, so there's no need to worry there either.  It sounds like he's doing well with just the BF.  Is he putting on weight/producing wet/dirty nappies?
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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2013, 19:40:15 pm »
I use to have problems with clogged ducts.  She would get fussy and pull off and then in a day or two I ended up with a lump in my breast.  You mentioned a longer stretch and slow hind milk.  Could be you are starting to clog but it clears before you get to the lump stage and then repeats.  Just a thought.  You could try soaking a diaper with warm water and covering your breast 10 minutes before you nurse.  See if that makes a difference.   

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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 19:42:22 pm »
I agree with Fiver. Once he starts fussing I would offer the other breast and leave it if he doesn't want more.

Mine were both down to 6 and 8 mins by this age.

Maybe try breast compressions if you think he might be frustrated with the milk slowing Breast compression
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Lilo's mom

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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2013, 01:18:26 am »
Thanks for the advices! I will try the warm diaper over the breast, and comoression doesnt help a lot...
I feel he is hungry after nursing... But it is like he is lazy, not sure. Today he had a lot of milk returning...  If he had refflux, what would e the symptoms?

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Re: Baby cries while nursing- how can I tell what is going on?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2013, 12:19:11 pm »
Check out the symptoms here Reflux 101 - General reflux information
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 17:54:11 pm by Fiver »
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011