Dear all,
I'm wondering if you could help me with my 15 month old dd. she was born 12 weeks early so developmentally is 12 months. She has always had high A time needs which are closer to her actual age than her developmental age.
Since returning from holiday 4 weeks ago she has started multiple night wakings and taking ages to resettle. We kept hold of 2 naps for as long as possible with a short am nap(30 mins) and a long pm of about 1.5-2 hours. We transitioned to one nap 3 weeks ago when she was refusing her afternoon nap. Last week she cut her 1st tooth and I'm sure we have more on the way.
Our EASY looks like this.
Awake- 6.30-7.30
9 am Brekki
11.30 lunch
12pm S till 2 pm
2 pm snack
4.30pm tea
6pm bed Time routine, bath, bottle bed between 6.30 and 7 pm
Whilst she was teething she woke at 1 am and I gave her pain meds, she would settle on down with bunny and then 10 mins later sit bolt upright and start crying again. Lay her back down, handed bunny and left room. This could go on for an hour but then she would start laughing, chatting and bouncing in her cot

This finally stopped last Friday when the tooth popped through

and she sttn until Wednesday night when she woke every hour crying until I woke her at 7. We have now had 2 nights of this and I'm exhausted. Trying to comfort her and encourage independent sleep without creating AP.
Please help