Hi there,
I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I have been exclusively bf my LO since birth with a bottle numerous times but with breast milk.
He seemed to take the bottle when he was young well and as he got older he still took it well but I just offered it less as my husband was working and I didn't think it would cause issues to be honest.
Well, I have weaned my LO off all breast feedign in the day and now just nurse him morning and night. However, I have so much trouble getting any fluid in him throughout the day. I offer milk at 11ish as well at around 430 when he wakes from his second nap. Neither times he drinks much. Maybe a couple of ounces if I'm lucky. I try to offer him a regular cup as he seems to gulp more down this way, but still not a ton.
I'm worried about his fluid intake. He eats a lot of fruit and yogurt so he does get liquid that way, but I really do want to get him off BF now and I am concerned and unsure of how to do it. Do I offer a bottle/cup in morning and night still?
He doesn't love cow's milk. I have tried it cold, warm and also tried almond milk thinking maybe he just didn't like cow's milk. He does drink some, but it's a challenge.
I'm scared that when I cut out his morning and night that he won't drink at all!
I have tried several different cups with different nipples, straws, bottles both fast and slower flow. Nothing seems to make a difference. He has done the best with the straw I would say.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I really don't even know how to wean properly or if there is a proper way. I'm just going with the flow really, but the flow aint working! haha.