Author Topic: Stuck trying to decide what age to wean  (Read 1535 times)

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Offline Louismummy

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Stuck trying to decide what age to wean
« on: October 21, 2013, 20:53:21 pm »

I have a 20 week old who is showing signs of being ready for food. He gets pretty upset every time he watches us eat, constantly trying to grab food out of our hands and will then cry uncontrollably. I put a piece of cucumber on the table next to him to see  his reaction, he picked straight up and put in his mouth and started eating..... He was trying to eat so fast, like he was starving? I took it off him and he was so upset (I realise I shouldn't have given to him in the first place but I didn't think he would pick it up and it actually reach his mouth)
I'd actually prefer to wait another 6 weeks but he really seems ready? He is sitting up and has more than double his birth weight (he is a big baby, about 20lbs) he is also waking frequently for feeds during the night, lately during the NW he seems to be literally starving (these night waking started about 8 weeks ago)

Really unsure if I should follow the NHS guidelines of 26 weeks or start him early?

Any advise would be great!

Thank you

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Re: Stuck trying to decide what age to wean
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 21:31:04 pm »
Could he be (or is he) teething? I would not think that just because he ate with gusto that he is starving...I would say either excited to get his hands on it or maybe it felt nice on his gums. I did start my older two on solids a couple of weeks before they were 6 months, but only because they showed interest, could sit up and had lost the tongue thrust reflex.

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Re: Stuck trying to decide what age to wean
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 22:08:57 pm »
Hi. I was determined to wait until my LO was the full 6 months before starting solids but really wasn't expecting that he would be SO demanding.  From prob 4.5 month he went haywire every time he saw me eat. Even if he had just had his milk (and I never let him drain a bottle, always made sure there was more than he would drink so I knew he was full) he would see my food and go APE!  So for an entire month I could not eat in front of him, it was just about impossible. I would pop him in his play pen for a second a dart to the kitchen, shove whatever I could grab in my mouth and chew fast before running back to him - crazy!  If he saw me chewing he went mad.
Eventually 5.5 months I just gave up. I felt like I was totally torturing him and making myself ill from not eating properly.  I could not bare the screaming any longer and just let him have some.  He hadn't increased his milk he wasn't waking at night hungry but he knew full well there was some kind of food being withheld and he was angry about it. It was totally not how I planned to wean at all.

If I did it again, I'd still wait, still starve myself for that month and prob still give in and let him have solids 2 weeks early.  If you do start early do keep in mind the guide lines are there for good reason, their digestive system is more ready when they are older, and certain foods should be avoided prior to 6 months which makes it a bit harder to watch what you are giving too.