Hi there, this is my first post ever but was reading what your little one like and wanted to let you know you not alone sounds just like my dd 14 weeks old. I have 3.5 yr old too. My dd is also really unsettled all night from first wake up due to wind and spitting up. Hers comes half way up esophageaus and occasionally all the way put, but its like 10 to 15 of these wet burps for an hour after each feed, I feel like I spend her whole awake time burping her and have to hold her up and burp her for same at night or she wakes every 2 hours in pain and by 5am is completely full of bottom wind. Some of the problem is due to over active let down but not all, think she has mild reflux too as Cry's after a wet burp that comes up quite long after feed and her daytime naps are disturbed by spitting up. She also trys to stuff her hand in her mouth a lot. She is very stoical about not though and rarely screams, which I know is a personality thing as my first was a top class screamer.. I have decided it is not severe enough to medicate by have cut out dairy to see if that helps, we gave her a couple of bottles of formula and it was horrific for a few days so can vouch that not a solution. I have tried all the tips for over supply and overactive let down to not much effect so am now resigning myself to time being the only solution... But some days I am crying with tiredness. My dh has to give me a pep talk most days!!