My LO is 9 mo old. She has not yet "slept through the night" in that she does not sleep for 10-12 hours without waking up and crying. Here is a typical run down of how the night goes.
7:30- Bath, pajamas, nursing, short book, lights out, white noise
I put her to bed awake and let her fall asleep on her own. Sometimes she freaks out when I leave. I wait a bit to see if she calms herself down. If not I go back in rub her back until she stops crying and she falls asleep.
2:00-3:00- Wakes up
5:00-6:00- Wakes up
When she wakes up I go inside pick her up feed her and put her right back to bed. I don't talk to her and I don't make eye contact.
7:00-8:00 Wakes up for the day
What I can't figure out is whether her night waking is normal and how I can fix it. I am at my wits end. I'm grateful she does sleep a huge chunk of time but it just is unfortunate that chunk just so happens to be when I'm not sleeping.