Author Topic: Confused about health visitor advice.  (Read 4593 times)

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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2013, 12:37:04 pm »
Ugh just because he is on the 91st centile doesn't mean he is overweight, how ridiculous! By this reckoning any baby who is not on the 50th centile must therefore be either over or underweight (i had my own issues with "underweight" babies ::) ).  Sounds like you are doing great :-*

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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2013, 16:03:30 pm »
Just curious what type of education is required to be a home visitor in your area? Do they have a nursing background? Childhood educator? Here in Canada you need a 4 year nursing degree. Wondering if it is the same?

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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2013, 16:12:32 pm »
Just curious what type of education is required to be a home visitor in your area? Do they have a nursing background? Childhood educator? Here in Canada you need a 4 year nursing degree. Wondering if it is the same?

I was wondering too...I mean I get that with any profession there are people who are good at what they do and those who aren't but all the references I hear towards HV's seems negative (our health nurses have all been pretty great, just this younger lady who was a bit inexperienced - but that is the only reason anyone came as they dont usually with 2nd or 3rd babies here and it must be a bit hard to come visit new moms and go through all the info when you are starting out!).

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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2013, 17:04:51 pm »
UK Health Visitors are qualified nurses or midwives who take a further post qualification Health Visitor training course. Some are far better than others, I think some use their personal experience rather than up to date information!


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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2013, 18:59:57 pm »
I think some use their personal experience rather than up to date information

^^^This, but they're not meant to.  I wonder whether some just can't be bothered to keep up to date and so practice from experience rather than spending time reading up and keep abreast of current research.  Which is a shame, because that's ultimately what they're being paid to do :-\
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Re: Confused about health visitor advice.
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2013, 19:31:41 pm »
I think it is quite common to be told to push solids when FF babies are moving up the growth curves because when they gain weight too quickly they lay down fat cells that increase the chances of being obese as an adult. That is why the recs for hungry babies over 6mo are often for them to fill up on solid foods like veg that don't have as many calories but fill their tummies meaning they don't overeat on formula.

It is actually bad for LOs to pull up on fingers if they can't do so on an inanimate object such as cot bars. I think it is to do with their core muscles not being developed enough but I bet if you post on the Growth and Development board your will get a better explanation. Crawling is invaluable for left-right brain pathways that help with skills such as handwriting in later life so you don't really want your LO to skip that if at all possible although you can compensate with crawling games when older if they do.

My experience of HVs is also that they give advice based on their own experience instead of the expert guidelines. This can be why even when they do get things right they don't actually know the science behind the advice and don't explain it properly leaving mamas confused.

If you checkout the nhs website it recommends moving to 3 meals only between 8-9mo so your LO is certainly not behind in that area.

Looking at the solids you mention, many do seem to be quite high in fat and sugar (roast potatoes, fruit and rusks for example) so pushing those is unlikely to help slow growth. You may want to try to give more of the other foods you are already giving like veg and lean meats.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011