My DD did this too until i had finally had enough (she was 10 months old!). First I had a 'not before midnight' rule, getting it down to one feed. Then a week later it was a no feed at all rule. When she woke, I went in and sat with her, gave her a stroke, told her it was sleepy time and didn't leave her till she settled. The first night, she was furious and took nearly an hour to settle. The next night was 20 minutes and after that just a little murmur which i didnt need to go in for. I had psyched myself up for a huge battle but once she understood that she wasn't going to be fed (but I wasn't abandoning her) she was fine. I wished I had done it earlier but I had to be completely sure that I was ready to follow through with it. Im not good at advice but just wanted to share that it probably won't be as hard as you fear it will be!