I've done all the questionnaires and I've got the book, both fit M really well. I thought she might be spirited. She has very sensitive hearing, struggles with new people/situations etc. very sensitive to criticism or us even slightly changing the time of our voice or facial expressions, extremely aware of her surroundings/atmosphere around her, has very strong emotional reactions and is very sensitive to other children around her, she hates scratchy tags/itchy clothes etc. she hasn't had a 12 hour night for as long as I can remember., despite me trying very hard. I desperately tired to keep the nap but she battled furiously not to nap. I did car naps but they made BT a nightmare. We often had 1.5-2 hour long BT's until we got rid naps.
Does 11 hours seem way too short? I can't imagine her sleeping longer, occasionally it's 11.5 but even well she's ill she doesn't sleep in