Author Topic: 3 month old still wants to eat every 2 hours  (Read 1176 times)

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Offline julz222

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3 month old still wants to eat every 2 hours
« on: October 23, 2013, 22:44:16 pm »
Hi all;
I have been struggling to implement EASY and sleep training with some good success. My 3 month old now sleeps 7-7 waking only once for a feed. Naps are another issue, with the first one of the day being a nice 1.5-2 hours duration, and the rest of the day 30-45 min. even with the same A time of about 1hour 20 min.

My concern is that after his first good nap, he can go 3-3.5 hours without needing to eat, but as the day goes on, he begins to fuss, peck and routing after about 2 hours. I think he realizes that soon after waking he should get fed, and with the short naps that doesnt change.

Any advice??

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Re: 3 month old still wants to eat every 2 hours
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 13:10:43 pm »
Maybe he needs a longer A time after that good nap. I would try to wait a bit longer before you put him down for the second nap. Maybe try 1hr30-35.

They do tend to eat more often if they are short napping. Being awake burns more calories than being asleep so it makes sense they would need to eat sooner.

3hrs is the maximum is would expect a LO to go between feeds at this age. Supply is lower later in the day so cluster feeding is common. I would try to distract him but if he seems hungry then just feed him. 5-6 day feeds at this age is fine.

Have you tried extending naps with shh pat or wake to sleep? Does he go to sleep independently or are you in the room when he falls asleep?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline julz222

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Re: 3 month old still wants to eat every 2 hours
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 18:46:45 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I was wondering about different A times. He definitely doesnt seem as tired for naps after the first one, and he doesnt go down as easily either. He is falling asleep independently, however whines for 2-5 min for all naps except the first. Sometimes I go in an shh-patt him to sleep if the whinning is lasting a bit long.

I have tried extending naps unsuccessfully with shh-patt. I have also tried using props (rocking/holding) to extend the naps. None of these work.

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Re: 3 month old still wants to eat every 2 hours
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2013, 16:38:19 pm »
Sounds like the longer A times might help then.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011