Thank you so much for the kind words! You are so right about the inconsistencies. We've gotten off track and I'm ready to get back on! His tooth doesn't seem to be causing him any pain today and though he fussed each time during his nap routines, it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday, so I'm assuming the extra fighting and crying is behind us...until the next tooth appearance anyway.
Routine-- the past couple of days he's been eating once or twice during the night (like last night, I pushed him as long as possible and he may or may not have been hungry but after being up with him for an hour and a half from 2:30 to 4 and going back to sleep only to wake up at 5 and then 6, I gave in and nursed him both times. He ate a good bit both times.) When he woke up again at 7:30, I wanted to keep up the habit to let him eat when he wakes in the morning but of course he wasn't hungry so I just planned to go ahead with feeding him cereal at 8:30. It depends on when he wakes for the day. I keep him up for at least 2 hours, though I shoot for 2 hours 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. He always seems more tired in the morning which is perhaps due to the last hour and a half or so of me putting him back to sleep several times before his final waking. Regardless, after a good nap he can stay awake longer for the next A period. If he's had a short nap, he is sleepier and cannot last as long until his next nap. If he wakes earlier then he naps earlier and therefore is more likely to have a catnap. If he wakes a little later than he is more likely to take later naps and get into bed earlier. Is this bad? Should I be waking him at 7? I figured at this point I could let him veer for 30 minutes either way like Tracy said in her book, but in this transition from catnap to no catnap, should I be more strict on his routine? On a perfect day, he sleeps until 3 during his second nap but that is RARE! Even so, that's still at least 4-4.5 hours until bedtime. I usually take him on a stroll outside around 4:30 so that helps him relax and sometimes sleep (IF I know he won't take a catnap because his last nap ended too late) for 10-20 minutes which can usually stretch that time out until bedtime, and often he just goes to sleep at 7 instead. Also, did you want to know the sorts of activities we do or just length of time?
Typical/Ideal Routine
E. 7
E. 8:30 solids
S. 9:15-10:30/11
E. 11
E. 12:30 solids
S. 1/1:30-3/3:30 (depending on when he previously woke up)
E. 3
E. 5/6 solids OR S. catnap between 5 and 6 for 25-45 minutes then wake up and E solids after
E. 6:45/7 (depending on if he's going to bed early)
S. 7/7:30
As for his dreamfeed, I'm not sure that it is causing him to wake more, but my response to feeding him may be causing some AP. Let me explain. He wakes up sometimes at 9:30pm and isn't ready for his df so I put him back to sleep and try to wait until 11. Sometimes, like last night, he wakes up at 10:30 and I go ahead and feed him since he's awake. Or, like I've admitted to accidentally sleeping through my alarm, I feed him when he wakes me at 1. To fix this, should I either sleep until he wakes and do what you suggest, by feeding him only if it's been a space of at least 4 hours? Or keep the dreamfeed? I've gotten better at hearing my alarm so I don't think oversleeping will be a problem, and anyway, I figured the occasional late df only helped to disrupt his habitual wake patterns. He did really well in the beginning with df but does seem to wake for it now.
I must say, I really like the idea of trying to extend his naps no longer than the total of the remainder of the hour. I sort of already do that, but perhaps not as long when he only sleeps 30 or so minutes. I usually only try for 15 minutes. I like your idea for some PU/PD if absolutely necessary. A couple weeks ago, when I was determined to try PUPD again, I put him down for his nap (at that time, he easily went down and my only problem was extending his naps....oh the days), so did PUPD for the next hour or longer until nap time was over and it was time for his feed, but it didn't work either time for his naps and then that night I planned to do it but he literally never needed me. I was even going to use my husband to help (for moral support) since it was the weekend but of course he had to have two magical weekend nights and then go back to crazy sleeping the following week. Yay. :-) I just feel PUPD isn't great for us. Some form of it maybe, but not solely.
Is rocking him JUST to calm him down okay? Or do I need to stay away from that and only incorporate it into our bedtime/naptime routine?
Eating-- As I mentioned previously, I started him on solids at 4 months and took a break to get him on EASY 3 weeks later. In those 3 weeks, he ate really well. Only cereal but still, really well. Now, he doesn't seem as interested. I'm keeping it positive and light, not forcing it or making it stressful for him, but I just don't know why he's suddenly uninterested. Oh well. So yeah, I'm lucky if he eats half a tablespoon.
Today has already been a little crazy. Since he ate at 5 and 6 this morning and I couldn't get him to eat at 7:30 when he woke, he ate a tiny amount of cereal around 8:30 and went down at 9:20. When he woke up at 10, I figured he was hungry when I couldn't easily put him back to sleep and it had been 4 hours since he nursed last. We are definitely off today. Should I make sure to just let him tough it out and not eat until 7? I'm pretty sure he could make it, I just didn't feel like making him.
Okay, I'm sorry for the long read!!! I want you to know that just talking about it really helps restore my hope and sanity!! You are very very kind, Layla!!
To MJ&N, thank you for your support as well! I think you're right about spacing out his feeds more. I just have to stick to it and, if necessary, distract him from his hunger if he gets hungry earlier than 4 hours. So when you took out his 3pm feed, did that mean he went from 11 to 5? 6 hours? Was he on solids yet? Emmett might be able to do that too, because sometimes he doesn't seem that hungry at 3, other times he does. Just wondering though! :-)