I'm having issues getting my 5 week old daughter to sleep more than 2-3 hours at night. She was 7lbs 7oz at birth and rigth now she is taking 4oz every 3 hours. The problem that we have is that she sometimes gets very gassy and has a hard time finishing her bottle, when this happens our feeding time lasts up to an hour. Other times, she gets very sleepy and is hard to keep her up to finish her bottle... With all this going on, i understand that she wakes up during the nigth trying to catch up on the food she didn't finish during the day. However, we also have some good days when she drinks all her bottles, and even if we do cluster feeds every 2 hours a couple of times before bedtime, she would wake up 2 hours after her last cluster feed demanding more food (sometimes this is before 10, so it eliminates the dream feed), and then she would still demand food every 3 hours at night, so she would for sure wake up at least 2 more times. It is getting very frustrating as on good days, i sometimes have to get her up for her feeds otherwise she could probably nap for at least 3 hours! Help! What am i doing wrong?