Author Topic: catnapper trying to eliminate 2nd!  (Read 835 times)

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catnapper trying to eliminate 2nd!
« on: November 10, 2013, 20:08:46 pm »
Hello friends! I recently posted "nearly 10 months of short naps....what will be will be????", explaining our long journey of catnapping. I finally came to terms with it and began focusing on the extra awake time I get with my baby; HOWEVER, this entire week, she has REFUSED her 2nd nap. Nothing has changed as far a routine or timing. She just screams like the severity of a scene from a horror movie :( So, consequently, we end up with a short morning nap  and then WAY to long of a stretch before bedtime. She is typically in a good mood and fine until right before bedtime when she is falling asleep nursing. So, this week has looked like this:
10:30/11 nap
11/11:30 wake
Eat, activity
3ish attempt nap 2
7pm bedtime
*I dont think bedtime earlier will help, as she has never slept more than 12 hours so she would most likely wake earlier.
*One of these days, she refused her morning nap for the babysitter, so she was up from 7:15-2:30. She slept 2:30-3:15 (45min) all day :( so I am not sure that pushing a morning nap later and doing 1 late afternoon nap would help much either, BUT I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance!

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Re: catnapper trying to eliminate 2nd!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 22:39:11 pm »
Hi there,

Some babies will fight the pm nap tooth and nail, even on a short morning nap at this age (2-1 nap transition). Would it work if you try and AP the 2nd nap, take her for a walk in the pram or drive in the car... will she sleep that way?

She sounds very overtired actually and her fighting sleep could be as a result of being overtired. If she's refusing the morning nap, you really need to offer her the 1 nap earlier in the day as from 7-2.30 is a very long stretch.  My suggestion would be to offer her a nap at around 11.30am if she's not had her morning nap and if she still takes a short nap, then try for a catnap or do an earlier bedtime (like 6pm or even earlier).

Is she an independent sleeper? What happens when she wakes at 30mins? Could you leave her in the cot or do pu/pd to extend the nap?

20/06/2012 - my angel baby