Yes I'm particularly bad at sticking with stuff - I get frustrated and try something new again!
She didn't sleep until 12.50 or so, and then woke at about 14.15 although appeared then to doze fitfully for another 20 minutes.
Bedtime at 7. She's still awake but not upset.
We've been using white noise on her monitor with her since she was very small, and we've decided to get rid of it, as of today. She was expecting it in the night, and quite often in the night she's quiet until the white noise goes off for a couple of minutes at which point she starts to call or cry. Its almost as if the white noise zones her out towards sleep but then whenever it stops, she properly re-wakes. We've tried a couple of other continuous white noise things, but because they are not the same noise as 'hers', I think they just annoy her. So we're biting the bullet and now I'm scared she will never sleep again!!!