Brand new member here, I'm so hoping someone may be able to advise.
My beautiful girl is almost 18 months old, and up to about 3 months ago was an amazing sleeper, always consistent with both naps and night time, and other than the usual disruptions of teeth, illness, travel etc we could rely on her routine very well.
Our problems started with early waking, around 4.30 - 5 which we at first just rolled with, then tried a few weeks of very low level PUPD without success. Then I think we really created an issue when we realised she needed more sleep and would happily sleep,longer if we snuggled down with her. For a couple of weeks that was fine, but then she started introducing wonderful new issues. Following the early wakings came waking between midnight and 1am and reusing to stay in her cot and wanting to sleep with mummy, then came refusal to nap in her cot during the day and having to fall asleep on me then be laid on the sofa. Now she won't even go down in her cot at bedtime, our final saving grace!
I am getting desperate, I can't believe it can get any worse but have no idea how to break the cycle. Cc and similar def don't work for us, she simply gets herself more and more worked up to the point of almost vomiting and I'm terrified of doing some proper long term damage.
I should add that she is in the midst of separation anxiety as well. When I try to put her in her cot (which I still attempt every time), she screams, clings to me like her life depends on it and gets very upset immediately, whether she's awake or aslee when I try. However we do have time in her room when we change her, dress her or just play for a few minutes.
Is this simply 18 month regression, all about separation anxiety or are we just in a cycle of habit now? I would be so very grateful for any advice or experience anyone can share.
Thank you very much.