Hi there!
It seems to me that you are doing great! I wish my EASY looked like that back then
Did I get it right that you are struggling with the second nap? If that's the case then I think he is ready for more A time.
He is approaching the 3-2 transition and in order for him to manage that his A times need to be 3h. Don't be alarmed, he still has a bit of time till that happens, but it's good to start with it now so later on the transition is smoother.
The way we increase A time is gradually so we can prevent OT. You increase 10min every 3-4 days. It might be that on the 4th day of an extra 10min you will already see good results and won't need to extend A times anymore. If you think that 10min is too much for him then you can also increase by 5min.
I get from your post that you usually follow sleepy cues, which is great, but when increasing A times you'd need to look more at the clock so you know you are consistent.
Good luck and we are here if you have more questions