At 9 months you can give almost anything. basic rules are no honey, no sugar, low (very very low or no) salt, no whole nuts (choke hazard), hmmm, think that's all. Why not just ensure you cook healthily for yourself (the family) and give her some on a plate or her high chair tray? Steamed or roast veg is great in fingers or wedges, slow cooked meat (nice and soft, or roast meat), fish without bones, pasta, all sorts of bread...the list of what not to give is much shorter than what you can give. I stopped using salt in all cooking so that the only salt intake was from things like bread and cheese and the occasional serving of baked beans in tom sauce or canned tuna (in oil not brine).
Bottles, I would say 9 months is too early to be dropping to 2 bottles. Most people are dropping to 3 at around-ish this age. In another couple of months perhaps drop to 2, then at 12 months switch the bottles to cups (or don't, many people keep the bottles longer so long as you brush teeth after the BT bottle).
There are some great stickie threads for finger food ideas too.