My little guy is just over 8 months old.
He's been on a 3 hour A time for I guess around a month now, and his daytime naps are really hit or miss, the majority are around 1-1.15, although Wednesday he had a 2.20 and a 1.30 - much more than he's had in ages.
For the past week he's been waking quite upset around 30 mins to an hour after being put down, which I've put down to OT, but today confuses me...
Our usual EASY is
BF 7am
Solids 8.30
S 10.00
Solids 12/12.30
BF 2pm ish
S 3 hours after waking
Solids 5.00/5.30
BF 6.00/6.30
BT 6.30/7.00 (ish)
The earlier times apply when he wakes from his second nap from 3.00-3.30 to try to avoid OT (isn't working too well)
Today he woke 4.50am, gave BF at 5.30 (tried to resettle first), and was still upset so my hubby had to rock him till he was near asleep, we then left him to sleep until 7.30, so today's sleeps looked like -
S 10.35 - 11.50 (slept for 1.15 solidly)
S 3.00 - 4.10 (slept for 1.10 solidly)
S 7.00
He cried for seconds at 7.30 and then 5 minutes at 8.10
He doesn't have a dummy, but does have a comforter. Until Saturday night he had slept through for most of the previous 3 weeks.
So, I have 2 questions -
1) Does the waking tonight at 8.10 sound like OT waking? I don't understand how it could be after just 2.50 A time when we didn't have any OT wakings for A times of more than 3 hours today?
2) my little guy has been having roughly a total of 3hours of naps a day... I'm confused how nap times would fall with say 3.15, 3.30 A times, it seems this would lead to roughly a wake up of 4.30/5.00 from the second nap which must be too late for a successful 7pm bed time... Or would bed time push out a bit then?
Thanks in advance