Author Topic: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!  (Read 2699 times)

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Offline Tamaryn

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3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:07:04 am »
Hi There,

I always thought myself a pro at the EASY because it worked really, really well with my first son. Baby number two comes along and n.o.t.h.i.n.g is working! It's so frustrating! I have been trying since he was 4 weeks old to get him on a structured routine, fast forward 3 months and I am embarrassed to say that I still don't know what I'm doing wrong!

I know what I have to do with the A and the S but the problem is that he is only drinking about 2.5 - 3 oz at a feed. I should mention that he was born a month early, did have the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck at delivery and also suffers (more so in the earlier weeks than now) from gastrointestinal issues. I'm afraid because of our rough start when he was born and all the eating difficulties, he became a snacker. Thing is though, on most days he easily goes 3 to 3.5 hrs between feeds. On the other days I've even pushed him to 4 hrs to get him to drink larger amounts at a feed, but even then it's still a max of 3.5 oz. this wouldn't bother me if he didn't wake up every 3 hrs at night for his bottle still... And because he drinks so little during the day, he seems to drink way more at night.  At this rate he'll never sleep through. A few days ago we fed him dreamfeed at 11pm that consisted of about 2.5 oz only! And then he miraculously slept until 5am. It was a fluke because it didn't happen again ;) but what bothered me about that 5am feed is that he only drank another 2 oz! I would think he'd be ravenous at that point no? I hope my post isn't confusing. I'm sure it's all over the place, but my son's eating habits are all over the place and I have no idea how to resolve the issue of him eating more at night than during the day. I can't force him to drink during the day, he just pushes the nipple out with total disinterest.  ??? Btw, my son is formula fed and I'm also using the dr browns bottles with a number 1 teat.

Thanks in advance for reading through my muddled thoughts!!!

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 07:32:32 am »
Hugs Hun, what a rough start for you both. :-* he is still little so don't feel embarrassed at all! My second wasnt sleeping well for a looonggg time.  Sounds like he has reflux pain am I right? - is he on any meds for acid reflux? Or were the gi issues something else?

My first was a snacker and fed all the time when in pain. My second refused to feed but made up for it at night too ::)

I guess what I'm saying is I think your easy issues are maybe nothing to do with you or him, but reflux, or food intolerance/allergy related YK? ...

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline Tamaryn

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Re: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 02:03:49 am »
I actually have no idea if he has reflux or not. The way Tracy describes it in her book I'd say he applies to about 90% of the symptoms. I have been to about 4 pediatricians already and all of them just say to hang in there because he's having a difficult transition. They're hesitant to prescribe meds and quite frankly I am hesitant to have him on them too.  He seems to have grown out of most of his issues but of course the habits have remained intact.  I guess I'll have to as doc prescribed! Hang in there! I just had no idea that these issues can so badly mess with the rest of the easy.... :-\

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 04:36:12 am »
Here are non medical things you can do to help Hun. Is his cot on an incline? - do you keep upright for 20 mins after feeding? If he sleeps well in the car or a sling/wrap you could do 1 good nap a day here when out and about.

Probiotics are great, and you can see if things like colic calm/gripe water help ease wind/gas pain.


DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline JamieD2013

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Re: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 14:21:02 pm »
I could have written this! (With the exception that my son didn't have the difficulties that yours did in the beginning). I have a 12 week old who just isn't interested in eating. The most he will take (and very rarely at that) is six ounces, but that's after a huge deficit of of 2-3 ounce feedings for a majority of the day. So, of course, he wakes up to eat at night. He rarely gets the recommended ounces/day.

I have no idea what to do, either. I've tried dream feeds and cluster to feeds to no avail. He's gaining weight (14 lbs at last weight check) and seems happy (except for the gas ... oh the gas ...).

He's on alimentum for a suspected protein sensitivity, but other than that has no major health concerns.


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Re: 3.5 month old barely eating during day, feeding more at night!
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2014, 09:38:28 am »
If he is happy and gaining weight along his curve then he is getting what he needs! My 91st centile DD VERY rarely took more than 25oz in 24 hours which was way less than the recs suggested she needed.

How many times is he eating at night? I wouldn't expect a 12 week old not to eat at night, night feeds generally go on until they are on solids.

What's his day routine like?
