Author Topic: Almost 12 month old EW and other changes  (Read 761 times)

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Offline fairypk

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Almost 12 month old EW and other changes
« on: January 30, 2014, 12:36:54 pm »

It's been awhile since I posted so things were better then went through a bad 10 month old regression thanks to milestones.

We have recently moved countries and for the moment I am a SAHM. We came a week ago and DS saw his father after 2 months. DS has been used to both sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles and other people on a regular basis. For now its just him and me during the day until DH comes home from work, even then DS is more clingy with me.

I have put DS in his own room for now (our apartment isn't super large so he isn't far from us), previously he would sleep in his crib in our room. This is for all 3 of us, so we can sleep better.

The last 2 days he has woken up at 630 which is way too early for me to start dealing with him. He doesn't have his milk until 745/8 followed by breakfast 45 mins/1 hr later. By 915/930 he is yawning away but I manage to hold him off till 10 for his nap. His schedule has been so far

Wake 630, but I don't go into his room till 730 at least
Had his milk at 8 today, then played then breakfast at 9 and was quite irritated
Played a bit, I gave him a bath and played some more until I stretched him to 10 to take his nap and he was out in a minute. I let him nap for 30 minutes and was okay after he woke up and played quite well but started yawning after an hour.
Went for a ride in his stroller to kill time after his lunch at 1130 then gave him his milk at 2/215 and its 430 and he is still sleeping without stirring. Yesterday I pushed afternoon nap till 245 because we were out and let him sleep till 5 and he was super cranky when he woke up. for the last 2 days I have been pushing BT till 815 so that he doesn't wake up at 630.

I haven't changed his scheudle since we have moved, we are just an hour behind. The first night we were here he didn't sleep well so brought him to bed and pushed his morning time and didn't give him his first nap and pushed the second one so managed to get him onto this original nap timings whcih were at 10 for 30 mins and at 2/230 for 1.5-2 hours sometimes more or less.

Since he was born he has had that long afternoon nap at 2 but lately he would sleep after 2 maybe 230 or even 3 (although once I fed him his bottle I would leave him in his crib to sooth himself to sleep).

My problem is how do i prevent the EW plus when he wakes up at 5pm the max he can go is till 8pm which is an A time of 3 hours although he can do 4/4.5 hours of A time. I realize he may be OT. Therefore today I haven't woken him up from his afternoon nap because last couple of days he has been cranky central in teh evenign and the only way to soothe him is to take him out which isnt possible all the time because we are tired too and I have chores to do. I realize I need to cap daytime sleep to extend night sleep but that hasn't worked so far.

Maybe it's the transition?

Sorry for the super long post but any help will be appreciated so that we get some structure and routine back into our day.

Offline amayzie

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Re: Almost 12 month old EW and other changes
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 10:42:18 am »
Bumping this for you! What a huge change you've all gone through!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!