Hey, we've generally seen a huge improvement, however had builders on last week (noisy builders) so nap was short And early wu returned! He's now up and down tbh, did a 1-3 nap yesterday 7 bed but was up at 5:50, so did 12:30 nap today capped at 2 hours and put him in bed for 6:30 to compensate early start.
Dies this sound right? Or maybe should set nap 1-3 and set BT 7, regardless of wake up?? Part of me thinks he'd be ok, part worries as 7pm bedtimes have often been early starts??
6:30 seems too close for BT after being up at 3?
On a good plus he's improved hugely in going down, used to shout "Mumma Mumma" after mr and get v upset, now he says 'ove you, bye' and has a little chat to his teddies before dropping off!
Thanks for any input x