Author Topic: 6.5 month old 20 lbs how much formula?  (Read 1908 times)

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6.5 month old 20 lbs how much formula?
« on: January 21, 2014, 19:55:04 pm »
My son has started to eat solids for about a month He is having 3 meals, veggies, rice cereal, and or fruit. He loves the solid foods.
He has 4 bottles a day. I make 6oz bottles, but sometimes hes not interested in more then 1 or 2 oz. He can totally last 4-5 hours without a bottle. What is the min-max per day?

Offline Lolly

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Re: 6.5 month old 20 lbs how much formula?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 20:03:08 pm »
The very minimum he should be getting in 24 hours is 20oz, but 24oz is the bottom range of liquid milk really most babies are taking 24-32oz.

I would cut right back on the solids to get his milk intake up again. Until he is 1 milk is his main source of nutrients and calories, solids are just for exploring tastes and textures and shouldn't be replacing his milk. Bottle fed babies will be on 4 bottles until about 9/10 months which is when solids should slowly start to replace some milk until they hit 1 by dropping to 3 bottles and then 2 by 1 year.

If he is having 4 bottles of 6oz then by drinking all of them he is only getting the minimum a day really. I would increase his bottles by an oz or 2 and reduce solids. Are you giving milk before solids? If not giving the milk feed first should help, so a regular spaced milk feed then solids as part of A time about an hour after.

