Yes on the differences between them!
DD1 was 7 pounds at birth, slept dream feed until morning at about 3 months (started doing a longer stretch at night pretty much from about a week or two old) and was doing 3 hours during the day from a few weeks on (with some serious cluster feeding in the evenings).
DD2 was 8 pounds at birth and would do about 2.5-3 hours at about a month though stretched to 3 hours consistently fairly early on and would do a longer stretch at night from about 5-6 weeks on.
DS was 5 pounds, 12 ounces at birth and was my trickiest -- I suspect he was truly day/night reversed until about 5-6 weeks as I would have to wake him to feed during the day (he'd go 4 hours if I let him!) but wanted to nurse constantly at night. Once he switched around, he was nursing every 2.5-3 hours during the day and pretty much the same at night until he was about 3-4 months when he finally made it past that 3 hour mark at night.
If it's working well for her right now, then I'd stick with it for now. I used to try with ds every now and then to try to put off a feed but it never would work for the first several months, he'd just wake over and over, which to me, meant he was truly hungry and needed to eat.