Urgh! This boy refuses to sleep well at night. He's always had a tendency to wake at 2 - 4 am, and unless he resettles himself within 10 minutes he's up for 1.5 - 2 hours. He's always done it occasionally, but this week we've had nws every night bar one. He had a cold earlier in the week, and was up for an hour each night at 11ish. I'm sure that must have been OT or discomfort. But then he got better and reverted to his 2 / 3am wake ups. Last night he was up for 2 hours
We moved to one nap a couple of weeks ago after 2 nap days gave us 9 - 9.5 hour nights and bedtime resistance. He also stopped napping well on anything less than 5.5hrs A time. We're now on a set nap at 12.15, give or take 15 minutes:
WU: 6.15 - 6.45 (earlier in th is range if sttn and later if has nws)
Nap: 12.15 for 2hrs 15 usually. Never less than 2hrs
Bedtime: 7.30.
He's also started nursery this week, has molars moving around / cutting and has recently learnt to properly pull up and cruise more confidently so it could be all that put together? Or, I know it's most likely OT, but to say this boy is lsn is an understatement. Last time he did these long nws for more than one night a week he was getting too much day sleep / UT at bedtime so I'm not ruling that out either.
Anyway, I'm really unsure as to whether I should ride it out or what.... Anyone with any experience of these sort of nws? Could he now be getting used to me going in at night after so many nws and be expecting help to resettle? It's definitely worse since he started standing in his cot. He's not resettled himself once since that started. I don't know. I suppose I'm worried it's routine related but reluctant to change too much there cos it's been sooo hard getting to one set nap. The thought of starting again makes me want to cry