I think DD is trying pratice 'new' thing that wake her up during night and nap also. As i wake before she wake i saw her legs raising up and down, hands scratching over face.
We swaddled her lastnight but she still wake up and around 10.30 cry because of sweaty, even we turn the cool mode on air conditioner.
We try shh-pat and pupd for her paci weaning now. She has eczema til birth, she use aveeno and it cured but the area around her mouth where (we think) paci scratch. It's really hard, she keep crying for 1h30. As soon as we pu, she stop crying, we comfort her and pd and then she cry even more. We tried few more times and it still the same, it is like she is crying for want us to pick her up so we keep patting instead. We keep patting when she cry and when she stop, we stop patting also. She falled asleep twice but then wake up after 5-10 minute and start crying again.
It's really hard. Paci actually not the prop for us at all but we dont want it make her face worse. Are we doing it right?