Hi all, my son is 21 months and im desperate for some advice. For the last three weeks he has been getting out of bed every night and coming to our room. He does not cry, just walks to our room. I carry him back to bed, without making eye contact or talking and he goes straight back to sleep, only to wake again 40 mins to an hour later. This continues all night. At first i thought it was a phase but its not getting better.he is tired and grumpy during the day from lack of sleep and im exhausted.
He usually wakes around 6 for the day, has a nap about 12 and bed around 6.30pm. He eats well and is not teething. This cant go on. Does anyone know what i can do? He has never been a great sleeper but i have had great success with the walk in walj out technique previously, and he had been sleeping well before this getting up started. Please help!