Z is usually a good sleeper. 12-13 hrs a night. (Usually 12-12.5) but he's been sick and is waking with a cough every few days after 11 or so hrs. He is quiet but I hear him and every 10-15 mins he coughs again.
It's making him OT, not sure how to deal with it as EBT isn't having the effect it usually does. Do I just need to ride it out? Any tips? It's cool in his room by 4-5am so ths is likely not helping.

Usual routine is/was
BT 7 sometimes earlier
WU 7-7.30
This morning for example
BT 7
WU 6 coughing, he's in there now coughing and talking it's currently 6.37. If he was rested and wanted up he would call.