I'd slowly started implementing EASY with my 5.5wk old around 4 weeks or at least starting to follow the E A S order and trying not to nurse to sleep. After reading the baby whisperer book we realised our wee girl was getting wayy to over stimulated and over tired through the days (hadn't really realised this and had been mistaking it for wind and joogleing the poor thing more) I don't remember whether the daytime naps disappeared as a result of the changes we were implementing or what happened exactly but I felt like we had a week of seeing some format to out days then overnight my little one seemed to loses her ability to nap!! She's good at nights and goes right back to sleep pretty much on her own after feeds but day times are a disaster just now. I feel like the success of our whole day rides on whether or not she gets her naps in and for how long.. The worse she naps the more tired and stressed I'm getting and by evenings the pair of us are in a right state both in tears!!
Two weeks ago I would have said she was a textbook baby but now I'd say she's mostly spirited with a bit of textbook! She just suddenly started going from good 2hr naps through the day to 30min-45mins forced naps with much apealing! The odd day I've managed to get longer naps when I've sat and rocked/shhed/patted etc when she gets to 45 mins. Often it takes a full hour or more to get her almost sleeping then she's so worked up she gets hungry again after 2hrs!
It may be mad but I feel like it all went wrong one day we had visitors and they wouldn't put her down and it was my OH's relatives and didn't feel I could say anything!!.. I should have! Is it possible this one day has made her forget how to nap or am I going insane?
I'm just soooo tired as we went from OH being able to give her a bottle at nights so I could get a break and go and visit my horse.. To me never being able to leave as she's been so grumpy by evenings. I feel like I'm losing all perspective cos I'm soo tired! She's even stopped sleeping in the buggy,. She'll sleep maybe 30mins then just be wide awake!!.. Happy but wide awake,
Don't really know what I'm asking but please help I'm so tired! Oh just keeps saying' she's a baby she'll have good and bad days' but has not the one who doesn't have time to eat or shower!
Also is it possible she only has 30min sleep cycles ? As often she only sleeps 30mins.. Or does this just mean he's not even gotten to sleep? She's such a luvly happy smiley alert girl when she gets her rest.. All this grumpy ness on both our parts is so hard! It's all been made worse by the fact we've had our first weekend back home to visit the grandparents.. Spent the whole morning at his mums getting cooed over and riled up then all afternoon at my dads with me and her crying in the bedroom as wouldn't take her nap and was so grumpy .. Sorry rant over!