Author Topic: 11 m.o. multiple night wakings- separation anxiety or teething?  (Read 906 times)

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Offline natalisahin

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My 11 m.o. used to be a perfect sleeper since 2 m.o. He has been sleeping through the night and even when he had his first 6 teeth he woke up only one for couple of days only.
But for the last three weeks it has been a nightmare mainly cause i can't understand what is going on and really afraid to do things wrong.

He wakes up two three times a night! I've never used PU/PD method, i use pshpsh and he goes back to sleep. So after he start crying i come to his room, do pshpsh and he stops crying, then i wait till he is trying to get back to sleep, i leave the room and he cries again! Then i stay more, waiting for him to start sleeping. So after he sleeps i leave. Then after couple of hours again he wakes up.

I tried giving him formula after he wake up first at night. After drinking it he doesn't wake up again till morning. But i personally don't want to give him formula as he hasn't been eating at night since 2 m.o.

I took him to our bed after he wakes up first and he slept after without waking up. But sometimes i saw him kinda crying while sleeping which made me think he might have teething pain.

So i am really frustrated what is going on. Is this separation anxiety? Or teething? though during the day naps he sleeps perfectly find alone in his bed (this is why i doubt for separation anxiety) and in a perfect mood (this is why i doubt wether it's teething).

Has anyone experienced this? Any advice?

Here is his easy:
7-00 - wake up and breakfast (solids)
9-30 bottle
10-30-12-00 - sleep
12-30 - fruits
13-30 - solids (vegetable, soup)
15-30-16-15 - sleep
17-00 - yogurt
18-30 - dinner (solids)
19-00 - bath
19-30 - bottle and sleeps

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 11 m.o. multiple night wakings- separation anxiety or teething?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2014, 19:34:08 pm »
Hi, if LO slept well after formula it could be that's he's just hungry maybe try adding a bit more bulk to foods...what kind of solids do you give is it all fruit-veggies?
Could be little nightmares, teeth just moving about, a touch of SA there is so much going on at this age I found it hard to figure sometimes.
Could he be UT he gets a decent amount of day sleep?
This is a link that might be useful if you start getting wonky sleep
10/11 month old sleep gone wonky? Read this first!

Offline mrsfabmoretti

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Re: 11 m.o. multiple night wakings- separation anxiety or teething?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 20:27:00 pm »

My LO is 10 months old and we've been having the same problems. Always been a great sleeper then waking up multiple times and screams when I leave the room. Sorry I don't have an answer but guessing it's S.A. with my LO and have came on here for answers.


Offline natalisahin

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Re: 11 m.o. multiple night wakings- separation anxiety or teething?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 07:46:26 am »
well, i have been guessing what is going on and still got no answer. But for the last three days my LO sleeps all night! i have no idea what has changed. I've been doing the same routine every day. So i guess this was a temporary thing (finger crossed :))

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 11 m.o. multiple night wakings- separation anxiety or teething?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2014, 17:00:50 pm »
Great update....sometimes we can never figure it out x