Clutching at straws but it's all gone a bit pear shaped....DS 22.5 months now.
We were having a few EW but good moods and naps so was just considering nap capping but the last 4 nights we've had BT crying taking an age to fall asleep Monday night DS didn't sleep until 9.15pm from bring up 6am!
Nights have been 9.5/10 hours at a push which I'm thinking OT but try as I might I can't get an EBT out of him.
We did set nap 12.30 and BT 7.15 but now struggling to get to nap before 1pm with all the messing about and crying for me!
We've had a language explosion last month and putting mini sentences together so not sure developmental, 1 canine left to come but he's not really unhappy. Only other thing was clock change?
Am I missing something obvious? He did 18 month SR early around 16 months