Hi! I'm new to this board although I've been obsessively following the EASY board for a few weeks now!
I have a 6 month old DS who has been on solids off and on since he was about 4.5 months old. A brief history: He has never been a terrific eater. It has always been a struggle to get the daily recommended ounces in (he is formula fed). He is in the 90th percentile for both weight and height and meeting all milestones, so his pediatrician isn't concerned, but he does still get a dream feed at 10:30 AND wake up around 4 a.m. for a bottle, I'm assuming because he doesn't get enough during the day.
We started solids at 4.5 and noticed that his already gassy tummy was getting worse, so we held off until 5.5 months. We started him on sweet potatoes and moved to peas then squash. He really enjoyed the solids so I quickly incorporated them into his feedings. He now gets three solid meals a day. I moved to three meals a day with my oldest relatively quickly and never saw a problem, so I didn't think any thing of doing it early with my youngest.
However, I think I might be doing too much solids too quickly. He is very constipated (even after eliminating squash) and still not drinking enough formula. In hindsight, it seems like common since to hold off on too many solids until he ups his ounces in formula, but I guess I just assumed that he would never love the stuff and preferred solids. I was also hoping that three solid meals a day would help him sleep through the night.
My question is this: should I cut back on solids even though it's already a part of his routine. If so, what meals should I cut? Thank you in advance for your advice! I never had any feeding issues with my oldest, so all of this is very new to me!