Author Topic: switching from bottle to cup  (Read 2008 times)

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Offline MarciaMSPT

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switching from bottle to cup
« on: June 27, 2014, 16:47:19 pm »
So, my DS just turned one.  (He is a toddler now right?!)

I'm still feeding him his bottle first... then solids... having a hard time right now with veggies.  Will try some of the tricks found here...but wondering if I need to be starting to switch up the bottle thing now... I have only been giving him about 3 oz to start with so when the bottle is empty, he has "no choice"  but then he starts his picky streak.

Lots of fussing lately too... possibly this awful wonder week thing he is in... not sure.  I'm pretty sure he's teething again, but I can't seem to find the tooth that's coming in.  :(  Someone on another thread said that LO's often stick to their favorites when they teeth... it's just been a rough three weeks.

Any thoughts or advice will be eaten alive!  :):)

« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 14:46:18 pm by Lana »
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Re: Re: Tips for encouraging veggies
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 22:30:43 pm »
It's advised to drop bottles at 12months. Many people choose to keep one for longer, they do still need milk, but you could switch to a sippy cup or straw cup. Maybe just offer milk at WU and BT and switch to water for the rest of the day.
He may be more interested in his veggies if he doesn't have milk before his meal.

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Re: Re: Tips for encouraging veggies
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 00:46:56 am »
thanks creations... the switching is tough...but makes total sense to me... my little guy is adopted and we had a breastmilk donor for a full year... I've got some left in the freezer so rationing it with other milk mixed in... I'll just have to buckle down and make the bottle to sippy cup switch - he HATES that sippy cup and screams for his bottle... but if the bottles just don't come out again, he'll learn... argh... here goes!  :)  Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Re: Tips for encouraging veggies
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 08:38:57 am »
I remember you having a BM donor, I think that's wonderful :)
There's no harm in continuing to use that milk, or to gradually split it with cows milk. If LOs don't like the different taste of cows milk mixing it can gradually introduce and switch them to all cows. To be clear though, there is no race to get onto cows milk if you have breast milk available.
This thread may be of interest. I explain how I switched DS to a sippy and dropped the BT bottle at 12 months - crying-free.  I then took another month to switch the morning bottle to a straw by trying every few days. The straw allows more milk faster than the sippy and that made a big difference to DS so he could get one proper big milk drink each day.
morning bottle still needed?