I'm hoping some of you can give me some advice or reassurance regarding my toddler's sleep issue. I've tried researching it online & haven't been able to find anything like what we're dealing with. I may be overthinking this (as I'm known to do!), but wondered if anyone else has experienced this:
As mentioned in the subject, my 2.5 year old is perfectly happy to take an early afternoon nap (usually around 1pm or 1:30pm). We read a book, she goes into her crib & I sing for less than 10 minutes & she's asleep. She'll sleep for about an hour. Great...except that BT is then a frustrating, lengthy ordeal. We follow the same routine every night, starting at about 8pm - PJs, brush teeth, read 2 or 3 books & into crib. We sing for about 15 minutes and leave the room (usually turning on some quiet lullaby-ish music that is on a timer & lasts 15 minutes). She then proceeds to play/talk/sing to herself...if we let her go until she finally passes out, it usually goes on for about 2 hours, sometimes more. So, she's not falling asleep until 10 or 10:30. Sometimes after the first 30 or 45 minutes, one of us goes in & sits near her bed silently, and she'll sometimes fall asleep, but we've been trying different tactics to figure out what works (ie: letting her fall asleep on her own without any intervention from us).
So far, what we've discovered is that if she doesn't get a nap at all, and we start the bedtime routine 30 minutes earlier (at 7:30), she's asleep by 8:15 & sleeps straight through until 8:15 or 8:30 (which is also her usual wake-up time for the days when she doesn't fall asleep until 10:30 the night before).
Right now we're trying an alternating nap schedule (nap one day, no nap the next) to see if it helps. Based on the fact that she's not fighting her nap on the days she does get one, I feel like she's not ready to give up the nap, but maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part?
Anyone have any suggestions? Or have you dealt with this type of issue?