I go back to work part time in just over two weeks and am in a flap over how to manage the milk situation. I hope someone here can help please?
DS currently bf 4-5 times a day and twice at night. I suspect he has a dairy allergy / intolerance (got appointment at allergy clinic on the 9th June to find out what's going on). So rather than worry about which formula to give him, I thought I would try to express milk for him to have when I am at work.
Thing is, I haven't got a clue where to start with expressing as I only did it a few times with DD. Should I start doing it daily now and freezing it? What time of the day should I express? How much should I allow for a feed? I don't want exploding boobs at work, so should I express when I am there? I'm only working two days a week but don't want him to be hungry and crying whilst I am there.
DS is 9 months old. Unfortunately I don't think he is ready to drop a feed yet (which is what DD did, but then she was nearly 12 months old when I went back last time). Can anyone offer any advice please? Thank you