OK, thanks.
But here's what is happening now, and it relates perhaps to dropping the feeds you mentioned:
At 3/4am when she has woken up this morning and yesterday morning, she didn't seem to take a lot of milk. This morning in fact, she seemed more sleepy than interested in feeding. But I encouraged her to stage awake as much as possible to finish as much of the feed as possible. I then put her down. She slept for about 2 hours or so, the same as the other early mornings, until about 6.30/7am. Now, here is where I get trouble for the rest of the morning: once awake, I offered her milk again as it was about time, but she didn't seem that fussed and doesn't take much. It wasn't 4 hours but nearer 3 hours since that early morning feed at 3/4am. Could it be she was full up and didn't need any milk? She hasn't behaved like this until the last two mornings. Once I gave up on that feed, I got her dressed and went down and got us all breakfast. By the time she had her porridge, it was about 40 mins since I had tried to give her breastmilk. She was interested in that and got quite upset at times. I took that to mean she is really eager for the food and is impatient when I'm too slow to put the spoon to her mouth. But it wasn't quite right and I thought something else might be bothering her? She was acting tired. She was rubbing her head and scrunching her eyes up. I take these as usual tired signs for her. She had yawned quite soon after getting up this morning too. She does this every morning and I wonder why is she yawning so soon after getting up? I kept her up for 3hours of A, and when she went down, she only had half an hour. This again is typical. Each day, the mornings seem a complete mess for her naps. I think she must be tired but she doesn't sleep long at all. By the afternoon, she has a good hour or more though.
So, in summary, I am wondering why she is not so interested in the early morning feeds (and also in the day sometimes, she doesn't seem to take much milk but is more interested in what is going on around) - is she already starting to cut back on her milk? And I wonder why she is yawning and giving me tired signs soon after her night's sleep, and then not managing to nap?