Author Topic: 2 to 1 - long am / short pm nap help  (Read 936 times)

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Offline Kst33

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2 to 1 - long am / short pm nap help
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:57:20 am »

We're attempting to struggle through the 2 to 1 nap monster and I'm not sure how to handle the wondered if anyone been there done it or going through it could offer some thoughts?

We now generally get a 1 and 1/2 hr nap in morning but afternoons are a bit more hit and miss.

I'm roughly aiming for..

6.45 wake
11.15 Nap 1 until 12.45 ish
4.45 Nap 2 until 5.15. (I wake at 30mins)
7.30 bed - 7.45 asleep.

It does seem really late in the day for a pm nap though and the day is getting a bit long. But is this ok?

Yesterday - he put in an awesome 2.30 hr nap at lunch (he's never done that before) so I went for a 1 nap day. Bit of a disaster with a 2hr NW 30 mins after bed.

So we had:
6am wake
10.30 - 1pm nap
5.45 bed / 6pm asleep.

But he woke up at 6.30 and it took until 8.30pm to get back to sleep. :-(

I wonder if he hadn't had enough awake time over the day and I need to get his morning A time a bit higher before I try that again? So perhaps I should cap that morning nap at 1hr 30 until he's able to do a bit longer As?

Any thoughts / suggestions would be brilliant.

Thanks a lot

Offline TB9

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Re: 2 to 1 - long am / short pm nap help
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 18:02:49 pm »
How old is he?

DD2 had 20min cns right around 5pm before she dropped to 1 nap, so I would say that a cn from 4:45-5:15 should be ok.  You can always cut it to 20min if you think it is a problem.

The day he had the mega long nap, did he seem tired at bedtime?  Both my LOs did longer A before bed, so they were doing 4.5hrs A in the am, big nap, then 5.5hrs A before bed.

If you want to keep the cn around then yes, you can cap that am nap at 1.5hrs :)

Offline Kst33

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Re: 2 to 1 - long am / short pm nap help
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2014, 11:28:36 am »
Thanks Tinkerbell.

Interesting you say that… yesterday he had a 1.5 hr nap end of the morning and then didn't fall asleep in the car like he normally does at the 4hr ish mark. Was yawning and eye rubbing - but also clapping, waving and smiling. So slightly mixed messages!

So ended up doing 5.40 A time in the afternoon and we didn't have the OT meltdown I thought we'd have. He did fall asleep feeding - so was probably a little too tired but. A few NWs but nothing worse than normal - if anything a little better.

So perhaps this is the way forward after all. There's me been paranoid about an OT baby for months - I wonder if it's all been UT!!

He's 11 and 1/2 months and to be honest - I struggle to know when he's tired and when not. He yawns and eye rubs a lot of the time - but is also super happy and would just keep going. I tend to only know he's tired -when it's too late. Then he only really gets upset if I get him to do something he doesn't want to!

Thanks so much for sharing your times - helped give me the confidence to give it a whirl and go with it.

Offline TB9

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Re: 2 to 1 - long am / short pm nap help
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 17:55:12 pm »
No problem!

DD1 was on one nap at 9.5mo and dd2 was on one nap at 11mo, so it wouldn't be unusual for him to start having one nap days :)  By the time dd2 was fully on one nap she was doing 6hrs A before bed....I could hardly believe she was capable of it!