Hi there,
Forgive me if I'm not quite understanding (I blame baby brain.....) but are you asking if this is a reasonable routine to aim for, or is this what is happening and you're trying to improve things? It looks like from what you wrote that DS2 was already on this routine until you started sleep training? Or is that wrong and he just had a catnap morning and afternoon with a long lunchtime nap?
Am I right in thinking that you would ideally like to get your two LOs down for a long nap at the same time?
Usually at this age we'd aim for two longer naps and a catnap, although some babies will perhaps be doing four shorter naps. Two long and two short naps may be a bit much - I'm not sure he'd be tired enough to do a 2-2.5h nap at 1pm with that routine?
Not wanting to question you at all, but just wondering what makes you think he can't go past 3h feeds at the moment? Just helps when thinking through alternatives
I wonder if you could get through the morning on two short naps of 45-60 mins or so, and then aim for a long nap at around 12.30/1ish? Then another catnap of 30-45 mins between 5&6? So kind of like a standard 4h EASY (WU 7, naps 9-11 and 1-3 plus catnap) but with a slightly earlier WU and two shorter naps instead of the long 9-11 nap?