Hi there,
DS2 is 20 weeks old and is the happiest baby on the block.
He naps well during the day, is very contented and relaxed, goes down easily at night and still wakes 2-3 times but nothing I can't cope with. It's just that in the last 2 weeks he's naturally settled into a daily nap pattern and at the same time seems very uninterested in feeding. For info, he was EBF until 4 months and I've now substituted two feeds for formula to enable others to feed him when I can't be there and/or to fill him up more at night. I should also say he dropped from 75th to 25th percentile in weight at the last weigh in 3 weeks ago. Up til that point id been feeding on one side only due to early oversupply issues but was advised to offer both sides from then on to encourage growth, which I've been doing. I'm looking for advice on our EASY and thoughts on whether any tweaks could help him feed more enthusiastically.
Every day is still different but we're aiming for:
Wake up & BF: 7
A: 7.20
S: 8:45
BF: 10.15
A: 10.30
S: 12
FF: 2 (6oz but only ever takes 5oz max)
A: 2.45
CN: 4
A: 4.30
BF: 5-5.30 (usually full from earlier FF so doesn't want it, but gap is too long not to feed again before BT!)
Bath: 6.30
BF: 6.45
Bed: 7
He then usually wakes around 10.30-11pm (FF, takes max 5oz) and then around 2am and 5am. Sometimes I can resettle him with his dummy but more often than not I end up BFing and he'll be back in bed within 15 mins.
My suspicion is that he's hungry at night as not eating enough during the day.
Any thoughts very welcome!!