Hello to all
I EBF DS until he was 13 months, then i started taking out one feed at at time and he was off the breast by 14 month but did not replace that with anything, he does not like formula or whole milk, or 1%, nothing, aside from that he ate chicken and beef pretty well before now he want nothing he has been eating by himself since he was 11 moths old so is not an option for me to feed him, this means no soups or cream or cereal that he cant eat with his hand, he like banana and plantain, rice and bread, i put some mozzarella cheese, or cream cheese, or butter in his bread and he will eat it but no veggies, he use to LOVE every fruit there was now is only banana and grapes but is not much of variety and im scared he does not get vitamins, iron or calcium he needs. He has not gained any weight since his 1st Bday,
any thoughts?
PD: He is a touchy / textbook he is not walking yet but trying to practice holding to furniture don´t know if its a factor