I know this is a very covered topic, but I just need some kind of plan with my crazy DD. She's always been a tough sleeper, average sleep needs, IS for nights, but now she is hardly sleeping at all! Our current schedule is:
WU: 6:10-7:15
Nap: 1/1:30 (I try to make it 6.5-7 hours after WU or she fights the nap)
WU: 3/3:30 (I was capping at 1.5, but I've sometimes let her go since her nights are so short)
BT: pd at 7:45, often not asleep until 9
Our days are crazy long. By naptime, she is a total mess, and she just can't wind down at BT. She stays in her crib and talks and sings and jumps and just goes crazy in general until she finally passes out. Last night, she fell asleep at 9, had a OT cry at 9:15, 9:30, and then sometime after midnight. Then she was up at 6:10. This just is not enough sleep for her!
Basically, when she has a night like this, I WANT to let her nap as long as she wants (can be 2.5-3 hours), but is this just making it all worse? Is this developmental and I should let her sleep when she can, or should I stick to a 1.5 hour nap schedule? The other day, she only napped 1 hour 10 min and fell asleep within 20 min that night....but her night was still only 10 hours.
Any advice? What should I do about her nap today, since she really only slept 9 hours with 3 (quick) NWs? This has been going on since the day before she turned 2, 2.5 weeks ago. It's driving me nuts!!