L's imagination is quite vivid. For about 2 weeks, he was terrified to go to sleep, so I stayed with him, talked him through relaxation exercises, etc. kept asking questions about these scary things that were happening at night and eventually found out he was imagining a rooster, snake and cow in his room at night. We had a chat and he agreed his stuffed dogs would be able to bark and scare these animals away. He STTN for the first time in a while and woke the next morning telling me there was a cow on the roof.
He was ok for a few days, then he had a chicken, goat and cow that couldn't be scared by his dogs but his stuffed lamb would baa loudly and scare them away so he could sleep.
Last night he started off with possums that roar like dinosaurs and monsters; then 20 min after I'd dealt with those, pterosaurs in his room
once we'd fed the pterosaurs some carrots (his idea to lure them out of his room with food), he went off to sleep about 8:30 and woke at 5:30, so clearly getting OT from all this sleep refusal, NWs and EWs.