Author Topic: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings  (Read 1416 times)

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Offline ThomasTheTank

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13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« on: June 25, 2014, 17:56:04 pm »
Hi, I need help with my 13month old routine and early wakings that have been going on for about a month now. My son is Angel/Textbook with slightly low sleep needs overall but does not handle OT well. Our EASY has been like this for about 4 weeks:

WU: 5:30 (6am is the goal)
Nap: 9-9:30 (wake him after 30 min and don't put him down before 9am)
Nap: 1-3pm (usually have to wake him after 2 hours)
BT: 7pm (in his cot between 6:45 and 7pm and falls asleep between 7 and 7:30)

I've had problems with early wakings before every transition and usually I can tweak the routine to fix it, but I'm not sure where to go at this point. I don't think he's ready for 1 nap. It takes him 5 to 10 minutes to fall asleep for both naps, so to me that says he still needs them. BT usually takes longer, up to 30 minutes (all independent sleep). For about 4 weeks before the EW started (so about 8 weeks ago) we reduced his first nap from 45 min to 30 min.

When he wakes in the morning, he's not crying, wakes happy and talks to himself or plays with the zipper on his sleeping bag until I go in around 6:15. Generally in the past if he early wakes due to OT he would wake crying.

So if he's not ready for 1 nap, should I decrease the first nap to 20 min or decrease the 2nd nap to 1 1/2 hours? Alternatively, should I consider putting him to bed later since it does take longer for him to fall asleep at night? My fear with that is that he's always been an early night kind of guy. In the past, we've put him to bed as early as 5:30pm on bad nap days and he used to sleep 13 hours some nights. So going past 7 makes me nervous..

I should add that he's just getting over an illness and I've gone back to work in the past couple of months. I see him in the morning for about 2 hours after WU so it's crossed my mind that he's waking up to see me? But I never go in before 6:15 and he sees me for 2 hours in the morning and an 1 1/2 hours at night and never cries when I leave, so I don't get the feeling he's missing mommy that much.

Appreciate your help!!!

Offline HenaV

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2014, 06:37:57 am »

Iiwm I would keep the day no longer than 13h, push the morning nap out and consider capping at 20m and leave nap 2 uncapped. So possibly something like this:

WU: 5.30
Nap: 9.30 (capped@20 mins)
Nap: 12.30 (uncapped)
BT: 6.30

What do you think?


Offline ThomasTheTank

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2014, 09:35:41 am »
Hi, thanks for the quick reply.

In the past, I've never let the day go longer than 13hrs, but I thought I read on here that before the 1 nap transition, the day can sometimes move to 13 1/2 hours (as they sleep 10 1/2 hours) and that's ok. Is that wrong?

I can try capping nap 1 to 20 min and moving nap 2 to 12:30. But I'm not sure I should move nap 1 out and also bring forward nap 2.. seems like the A time would be so low.. What do you think of keeping nap 1 at 9am (20min cap) and bringing forward nap 2?

Is it unusual that I'm capping both naps? I'm not sure how long he would sleep if I let him go...


Offline BeeAnn

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2014, 11:55:15 am »
Your DS sounds a bit like my DD i.e. angel / textbook and you get EW before each nap transition so thought I would post what I was doing around that age in case it is helpful.
We moved to a 20 minute morning nap just before 14 months and the routine we had was:

6:45am   Wake up and Milk (200ml)   
9.45am   Nap 1 (capped at 20mins)
1:00pm   Nap 2 (for up to 2 hrs)
7:00pm   Bed

The low A time between WU and Nap 1 seemed to be ok cos Nap 1 was short and UT anyway.  And then having only a 20 mins nap meant she was still tired for her second nap.  Having said that, she has never had a problem falling asleep - naturally lazy I guess!

Also in terms of capping both naps, I have always capped DD's naps - a lot of people don't like to but I like the structure and it seemed to suit her ok.  She's never had a problem with it.

Offline ThomasTheTank

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2014, 17:04:59 pm »
Hi both,

Thanks for the replies. So I'm on day 2 of capping nap 1 at 20 minutes. Day 1 was great -- he was in good spirits and went to bed normal time. He woke at 5:50 so not much change, but at least it wasn't even earlier. But today, he was really difficult to wake up after 20 minutes. Then all day he's been a bit weepy and started eye rubbing at 11:30. I got lunch sorted as soon as I could and had him in his cot at 12:15 but he didn't fall asleep until 12:45 and then woke after only 1hr 20min! We're doing an EBT tonight so not sure what to expect tomorrow morning.

In all my nap 1 shortenings, I always remember it going pretty smoothly afterwards.. Is this normal or a sign he still needs 30 min in the morning?


Offline HenaV

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2014, 18:21:00 pm »
LOs can sometimes get OT after the first couple of days as their bodies regulate. That's why it's always suggested to implement something new for 3-5fays to assess whether or not it's working.

I personally would stick with it. If you think nap 1 is to short it'd consider bringing nap 2 earlier and leaving it uncapped rather than keeping nap one longer

Hth x

Offline ThomasTheTank

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Re: 13mos 2 to 1, early wakings
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2014, 14:51:17 pm »
Thanks. Today he slept till 6am (7pm BT even though we tried for earlier) and was in better spirits but only slept an hour for nap 2 in the pram... but he's not a great pram sleeper so I'm not totally surprised. We're planning for a 6:30 BT so we'll see how we go tonight and tomorrow. He's also just started walking and we walked a ton today, so hopefully he'll just crash until at least 6am. Will keep you posted.