This weekend is difficult as I am struggling with proper EASY and sleep regression/OT but another problem I have is breast feeding:(.
I am feeding DS not just after wake up from naps as we have more AEAS routine. I am feeding at 7, 11, 15, 17:30/18:00 and 19:15 after bath, naps are in between but not just before feed time. He usually shows hunger cues (cry, fussiness) 5-10 min before feeding hour and I usually need 5 min to prepare myself and will feed him. And... It starts...
He frantically sucks first boob for 5-7 min (when feeding him after wakeup he drinks slower and may take 10-13min to empty the boob). Than he unlatches and start to fuss so I do breast compression, he takes 1-2more min on this boob and once again fuss so I change the breast. And he latches like hell but after 1-2min start to cry like there is nothing there! Latch, suck and cry! I offer once again and he frantically latch, try to suck and cry! I usually stand up, walk with him latched, rock him during BF so he starts to suck (not actively) but as soon as I stop walking/rocking he unlatches and cries! So I put him down and he usually calms down ... So I think "maybe not hungry"... It seems crazy as previous feed was 4h before and he sucked only for 5-6min. And usually I try to offer him a bottle afterwards. He usually wasn't taking one so that confirmed my judgment that maybe he is not hungry.
And today he took bottle. And drank 90ml of formula:(.
What's wrong??!! I am really discouraged:(((.