Hi, I'm hoping someone might give me some guidance with my 17month old. I'd really like to get this sorted before baby nr.2 arrives at the end of the year.
He goes down for his nap no problem and goes to sleep by himself within 15mins, at night time when I know he's tired we'll complete this long wind-down routine and he'll go into the cot with his last bottle. He'll chatter away by himself and after this he'll cry for me. When I go into the room I simply sit on chair beside him, don't look at him, don't speak to him (unless upset) just gently lie him back down if he gets up to a full stance position. This work v.well and he's asleep within 20 mins generally.
The problem is that he wakes at least once every night and will want me to go into him. If its mantra crying then i'll leave him to it for 5-10 mins but when it picks up I'll go into him. I could be with him up to 1.5hrs until he settles again. He's not upset when I'm there just a lot of tossing and turning. Its its past 4am then i'll give him some milk. I'd really like to know if anyone has successfully done the gradual withdrawal technique where the chair is slowly moved out of the room?
His daily routine:
7am wake-up
8am breakfast/bottle
11:30 nap for 1.5-2.5 hours
7pm bedtime and generally asleep by half past.