LO is 17months old and a spirited + touchy baby, so despite being the third child, he is sometimes difficult to read because by the time I figure out that he wants/needs something, he’s already crying. In fact, I always have a hard time figuring out whether he is UT or OT. His sleeping has been difficult since birth, with a few (very) short lapses of STTN !!
A typical day:6am wake + BF
7:30am breakfast and then he goes out with my mom until 11am.
11:30am bottle of milk and then he naps (in my arms if he is crying/fussy or if he is in a good mood, I will put him in the crib and lay next to him until he falls asleep). If I leave the room and he notices, he will call for me and within minutes, he will cry hysterically.
1:30pm wake and then lunch which typically consists of thick soup, macaroni, rice etc. followed by yogurt and then fruits. Sometimes, he might wake before 1:30 but I typically try to put him back down.
3:30pm – fruit, and then we go play outside.
6:00pm – supper
6:45pm – bath
7:30pm – BF and then he goes to sleep or gets really relaxed under my breast and then I put him in his crib.
In the last month, he has STTN only twice. The rest of the time, DH and I take turns tending to him. He typically gets up 2-3 x per night and the amount of time necessary to put him back down will depend on how ‘awake’ he is and how many hours he has already been sleeping (it is easier for him to go back to sleep when it is still early in the night, versus 4am which could take 30-40 minutes before LO is sleeping). Most of the time, we have to wait until he is fully asleep before leaving the room because our footsteps or the turning of the doorknob will wake him up, and then the cycles starts all over again
I don’t sleep in the room with LO but when it’s DH’s turn (every other day) and LO wakes up, DH will typically just take his pillow and blanket into the baby’s room and then lies next to LO’s crib going ‘shhhh’ and then just end up sleeping next to him until morning (there is a mattress in LO’s room, next to his crib). DH can’t stand hearing LO cry so he prefers to sleep next to him (he says I am the tough one and we should just accept that LO is a bad sleeper) but we are both exhausted.
The room is dark, there is no disturbing noise that could disturb him (other than his brother and sister, but LO is usually up before them).
At this point, I am really tired, cranky and easily snap at DH or my other two children
DH is going away next week and I am desperate for some advice. Help !!!