Author Topic: Need routine help for 19-month-old - constant EW and short naps  (Read 1414 times)

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Offline RitaBobcat

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I'm hoping someone can suggest what I should be doing differently - my 19-month-old boy has been having EW and short naps for the last 2 months (seems much much longer than this  :-\). I'm guessing he's just constantly overtired but I don't know how to fix it. It all started when we started the 2-1 nap change but I've tried going back to 2 naps and he doesn't want to go down for the 2nd nap. I've also tried putting him to bed a little earlier but he just lies there talking to himself longer than usual which results in falling asleep at the same time as previous nights.

This is our current routine:
WU around 6am (used to sleep until 7)
11:45 start sleep routine, asleep by 12. He won't sleep longer than 1.5 hours no matter what I try. Most of the time he wakes after the 1st cycle and I have to soothe him back to sleep (the times I didn't come in, he would just cry until completely awake)
7pm start sleep routine, asleep by 7:30

He's clearly not getting enough day sleep but I don't know how to help. His room is dark, cool and white noise is on.
Any advice would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 16:00:54 pm by RitaBobcat »

Offline HenaV

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Re: Need routine help for 19-month-old - constant EW and short naps
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 06:21:25 am »

Did he used to nap longer? It could be the 18SR - that can last a while. Given that the Nap is shorter that r needs have you consider a couple of days of EBT to give him a chance to try and catch up. Say BT at 6.30 (asleep by) - it may help?


Offline RitaBobcat

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Re: Need routine help for 19-month-old - constant EW and short naps
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 15:59:17 pm »
Hi Hena,

He's never napped longer than 1.5 hours. Could it be that's just all he needs out of day sleep? My only concern about the short nap is that it leads to EW.
I've tried starting his BT routine at 6:30 but he just stays awake until 7:30 anyway.
I thought the sleep regression meant waking up at night or not wanting to go to sleep, could it mean EW as well?


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Re: Need routine help for 19-month-old - constant EW and short naps
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2014, 09:45:33 am »
Yes 18 mth SR comes in all sorts of terrible ways ;) my first EW and my second fought BT with a passion!

How you getting on?

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