I'm hoping someone can suggest what I should be doing differently - my 19-month-old boy has been having EW and short naps for the last 2 months (seems much much longer than this

). I'm guessing he's just constantly overtired but I don't know how to fix it. It all started when we started the 2-1 nap change but I've tried going back to 2 naps and he doesn't want to go down for the 2nd nap. I've also tried putting him to bed a little earlier but he just lies there talking to himself longer than usual which results in falling asleep at the same time as previous nights.
This is our current routine:
WU around 6am (used to sleep until 7)
11:45 start sleep routine, asleep by 12. He won't sleep longer than 1.5 hours no matter what I try. Most of the time he wakes after the 1st cycle and I have to soothe him back to sleep (the times I didn't come in, he would just cry until completely awake)
7pm start sleep routine, asleep by 7:30
He's clearly not getting enough day sleep but I don't know how to help. His room is dark, cool and white noise is on.
Any advice would be appreciated.